08 April, 2009

Daily Question #27

Connect to a fictional character.

Cracked by Bad Ass Thambi and Shrey Goyal.

Answer : Captain Planet

- Firefox ("Fire")
- Jal ("Water")
- Queen of Hearts ("Heart")
- Vayu ("Wind")
- Google Earth (centre) ("Earth")

Captain Planet is the combined and magnified powers of all five of the Planeteers' rings which represent the above powers.


Bad Ass Thambi said...

captain planet

fire,water(Jal),wind(Vayu),Earth ,Heart(Princess of heart)

Shrey Goyal said...

Captain Planet, formed by combining Fire[Fox], Water(Jal), Wind(Vayu), Earth(Google-) and Heart(Queen of-).

Alok said...

five elements

avik said...

5 elements...jal(band in pic), vaayu(the god)..agni(firefox..earth..etc...

avik said...

srry..the connect is shaktiman..did'nt read the question properly..:P