21 April, 2009

Daily Question #40

A sitter for the day. Connect.

Cracked by Shrey Goyal, Anand Shankar, The Editor and raghu!

Answer : The Great London Plague of 1665

- Bill of Mortality for 1665
- The rhyme Ring a Ring a Roses is supposed to have been inspired by the plague
- Plaque of family that died during the plague
- Yersinia Pestis is the bacterium that causes plague


Anonymous said...

Ringa Ringa Roses


Shrey Goyal said...

Bubonic Plague of England

Anand Shankar said...

beubonic plague?

The Editor said...

The Great Plague

raghu said...

the london plague of 1665... ringa ringa roses is believed to have originated from the plague...