22 June, 2009

Daily Question #101

Today's question contributed by the teen prodigy Rithwik

Who connects?

Cracked by Kamal Rathi, karthik and incognito!!

Answer : Salman Rushdie

A - U2, whose famous album Ground beneath the feet was inspired from the Salman Rushdie novel and he is credited to be the lyricist of the U2 song.
B - place in Turkey where Sivas massacre occurred, which happened when there were many attempts to kill Salman Rushdie after he wrote The Satanic Verses. He was staying at the hotel shown there when the attack happened.
C - Shalimar gardens, subject of his book Shalimar the clown
D - Florence, which is the topic of the latest book he released (The Enchantress of Florence)

@Rithwik : Nice Question!
@Karthik : Thanx for the correction!


Ramki said...


Kamal Rathi said...

Samlan Rushdie

Karthik said...

Salman Rushdie

incognito said...

salman rushdie?

Karthik said...

just a small correction..
Explanations of B and D are interchanged.. :-)
D is Florence and B is that place in Turkey