25 June, 2009

Daily Question #104

mA tech question for today. There are some very obvious hints in the pic.

A --> W
B + W --> X
C + X --> Y
D + Y --> Z

Identify W,X,Y and Z.

Cracked by aamaadmi and Sandipan!! Good job!

Answer : W - BCPL, developed by Martin Richards (A)
X - B, developed by Ken Thompson (B)
Y - C, developed by Dennis Ritchie (C)
Z - D, developed by Walter Bright (D)


JoshuaMHemond said...

cool blog I like it

Anonymous said...

Programming Languages

Donno - A?
Ken Thompson - B
Dennis Ritchie - C
Walter Bright - D

Going by the rest of the connect, i think you want the answer as ABCD