08 July, 2009

Daily Question #117

B is a product of the company X founded by A. B was hailed as one of the inventions of 2008. The company's name and logo (C) have been chosen to represent the domain of the company. Also, one of the founders is well known for a different reason. Identify X.

Cracked by Karthik, lordmaldy, Govind and Bad Ass Thambi!!

Answer : X - 23andMe

A - Linda Avey and Anne Wojcicki (wife of Sergey Brin)
B - Retail DNA Test, No.1 invention of 2008 according to TIME Magazine


Karthik said...

Founders: Anne Wojcicki and Linda Avey

The Product: Retail DNA Test

Bad Ass Thambi said...

the retail DNA test

lordmaldy said...

ah! got it... I was really breaking my head until 23andMe announced its new $99 pack today, techcrunch ftw :P

A: Linda Avey and Anne Wojcicki (wife of Sergey Brin)
B: Genome research kit
C: The uh, logo.

GP said...

B is the retail DNA test.X is 23 and me. A is Anne wojkiki, Sergey Brin's wife.